Saturday, December 3, 2011

It is now the beginning of a new month, and one of the busiest months of all, December. With the holiday season on the horizon, I decided to make a list of things to remember during this crazy, chaotic, mess of a month.

5 Must Remember’s 
                       for the month of
1. Instant Chic
* “Blazers are the must have new cover-up they show off your shape and add a luxe feel to even you most worn in pair of skinnies"*
December 2011 issue of Cosmopolitan
*Pg. 44
2. Bring a little fire, and get in red!
This holiday season both Cosmopolitan & Glamour are promoting “Red hott” as “Winters most wanted hue” 
(Both December 2011 issues
Left: Cosmopolitan’s “Fire it Up!”  on pg. 75 &  Right: Glamour’s “Get it in Red” on pg. 102)

3. Glitter to the Rescue
I’m sure with all the shopping and gift buying, everyone is having a hard time keeping up with their usual routines, and for some that includes primping and pampering those nails. 
Don’t fret ladies, cover up that week old chipped polish fast and add a coat or two of glitter, not only will it add a little bit of sparkle and dazzle, but it will help camouflage those unwanted chips. (Advice from Cosmopolitan, “10 Things You'll Learn in December Cosmo.”

4. Camouflage those nail chips, but stand out in bold prints!
I am definitely not one to stand out with an outrageous statement, and as much as I hate to say it, animal prints are definitely “in” right now, so add a touch here and there... But be careful don’t turn into a beast. 
5. A girl can always dream 
& last certainly not least, a girl can always dream, maybe someday... ask and you shall receive, you never know when that certain someone may pop the question. 

That’s all for now, I hope you all enjoyed!